Friday, May 14, 2010

Seventh Week of Easter

Monday of the Seventh Week of Easter (Acts 19:1-8; John 16:29-33) Water is precious. It gives life, it cleanses, it refreshes. Without water there is no life. The Holy Spirit is the water which springs up out of the very being of the Lord. The Spirit pours forth from the Resurrected Body of the Lord. The Spirit is the water of eternal life.

Tuesday of the Seventh Week of Easter(Acts 20:17-27; John 17:1-11a) It is so easy to forget what God has done for us. God loves us. Sometimes we feel He is saying that to a crowd and we are just a face in the crowd. Through the Spirit God’s love for us becomes personal, exclusive. The Spirit because He is God makes the love of God personal. No longer are we a face in the crowd. The crowd disappears and we stand all by ourselves in God’s presence. This complete presence of God is love.

Wednesday of the Seventh Week of Easter(Acts 20: 28-38; John 17:11b-19)The Spirit lives inside the Church. The Spirit guides the Church. It protects the truth of God’s revelation. The Spirit is always urging the Church to grow young through constant conversion. Conversion, a deeper turning to God. The Spirit of youth, of dreams and hopes. The Spirit takes away the dross of cynicism, the darkness of dimmed hopes, the pain of unfulfilled dreams and gives us new dreams in God.

Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter (Acts 22:30;23:6-11;John 17:20-26) The Lord’s earthly mission is over. How do we share in His life on earth. The Spirit makes present to us the words of the Lord, He makes them alive in our hearts. It is the Spirit who plants the seed of the life of God within us. Through His Spirit He makes us sharers in His life. Through His Spirit He makes Himself present to us.

Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter (Acts 25:13b-21; John 21:15-19) The Spirit which makes the limited unlimited. The Spirit turns our minds to God. Every time there is something good, every time there is a prayer, a work of love there is the Spirit. The walls of time and space which surround our existence are broken, through the Spirit we enter into the very life of God, the unlimited One.

Saturday of the Seventh Week of Easter (Acts 26:16-20; 30-31) The divisions of sin are done away with. He makes all things one, if we but listen. The life of the Spirit; we have so much more to go. Our journey in living with Him has just begun. There is so much darkness left. Selfishness, pride, lust…the very power of God lives and dwells inside of this weakness. The power of God, His Spirit, is molding us, into the image of the Lord. The journey with the Spirit will only be finished when we stand before the throne of God.

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