Thursday, September 23, 2010


After a beautiful summer a beautiful Fall is great. Only God could have thought of these seasons.
This week the feature is Be a Franciscan...Fall issue. It gives you an idea of what the Franciscan movement is all about.
The video of the Vienna Boys Choir is uplifting as is Bishop Murphy's statement on taxes....
I am going to Wheeling West Virginia on give a parish retreat...say some prayers...

Be a Franciscan.....Fall issue

To download "Be a Franciscan" click here

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bishop Murphy Urges Congress To Preserve, Improve Tax Credits That Benefit Working Poor Families And Children

WASHINGTON (September 21, 2010) —The chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Bishop William Murphy of Rockville Centre, New York, urged Congress to give priority attention to working poor families and their children as it debates tax policy.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Angel Voices - Song of Joy


TUESDAY OF THE TWENTY- SIXTH WEEK OF THE YEAR ( Luke 9:51-5 The great journey has begun. Jesus looks to Jerusalem the place where He will die. In one translation Jesus “sets His face like flint”. Determined to fulfill what His Father wants.....the Cross is before Him He does not take this journey alone. He brings His disciples. The disciples of Christ must walk with Christ. It is the new exodus. This journey which Jesus begins is the great teaching journey. It is His last chance to tell his followers what it means to walk with Him. We must listen very attentively to His words...make them our own, and remember to have the Cross before our eyes as we listen.
Jesus first meets rejection. The Samaritans refuse to give Him hospitality. James and John are outraged...Jesus reprimands them for their desire for revenge. Things change. These very Samaritans, who James and John wanted to do away with, are those who will become open listeners to the Word after the Resurrection. If rejection had been responded to in the way James and John wanted the Samaritans would not have been given the chance to listen to and respond to the word.
Jesus was patient. He did not like rejection any more than we do. Because He bore it great things happened.

WEDNESDAY OF THE TWENTY- SIXTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 9:57-62) The radical change Jesus wants from his disciples. Even the ordinary things of life, burying the dead, saying good-bye become challenges to show that we follow Him. Some are called to live these words heroically. But there are the lesser heroes. Those who have not been given the grace to live these words to the highest. They have a home, bury the dead and take care of the ordinary things of life. But they do these things with love, and faith and hope. These lesser heroes will find their sanctity in the daily lives which they are called upon to live.

THURSDAY OF THE TWENTY- SIXTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 10:1-12“I am sending you as lambs in the midst of wolves”. To understand these words we have to go to the prophet Isaiah. In the days of the Messiah a great reconciliation will take place. The lions, lambs, wolves and children will no longer be at odds with one another but will be at peace. When Jesus uses these words in describing how the disciples will go about the world He is saying that they will, in their lives, make present the great reconciliation which will happen in the fullness of time. The mission of the disciple is to bring peace, healing, reconciliation to the broken world with which they come into contact.

FRIDAY OF THE TWENTY- SIXTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 10: 13-16) There two parts to this passage. The first part has to do with being thankful and the second part with identification with Christ.
The first part is a call to reflection. To reflect on the good things, the miracles, which the Lord has worked within us. Sometimes these miracles are hidden under the things which we take for granted.
Is there a greater miracle than life itself. Just to say: I am alive professes a faith in God. To look at the world around us, the moon, sun, stars and be overwhelmed at what we see. I think that the call of this passage is to see in the ordinary things of life the extraordinary.
My life is made up of a million moments of grace. The sunshine, the rain, the cold the is made up of smiles and tears, hopes and disappointments it is made up of moments of high exhilaration and times of emotional blanks...inside of these ordinary things, these things which I encounter every day I have to see the power and hand of God.
The second part of the passage tells us that the disciple does not speak on his own but with the presence of Christ. When we read and re-read this passage what Christ is telling us is truly an amazing thing. He is saying that the disciple is Christ’s presence to the world. He is saying that as disciples we not only do the work of Christ but at that moment are Christ. There is an identification with Christ to such an extent that the acceptance or rejection of the disciple is also the rejection or acceptance of the Lord.

Sometimes we can be intimidated by “big things”. Today’s gospel is at once a joy and something to be cautious of. The “big things”, casting out devils, treading on snakes, which the disciples did may give rise to the temptation of either looking for the amazing or worse yet, because I do not accomplish these big things my ministry is not fruitful.
Everyone sent by the Lord and working in His name brings about a change in the world. This is what the message of today is. The power of the word of God. For most of us it will be manifested in many little things, at times when we are least aware of it.
Once a young lady asked me a question about prayer. It was one of those situations where many things were happening and I did not have the time nor did she expect a lot of time. My answer was almost shot out of my mouth: be quiet and listen. Her eyes lit up. “That is the answer” she said. No devils were cast out, no “amazing thing” thing happened...but a life changed. My point is that the Lord will use us to bring His kingdom into the world. We have to be patient, accept our vocation as disciples with hope and most importantly to realize it is not our work but the Lord’s.
Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit. The image of the Lord singing a song to His Father....a song of joy, thanksgiving and yes even amazement. In His human nature Jesus must have been surprised sometimes at how the Father worked. Under the words of Our Lord’s beautiful hymn is hidden His sense of not only thanksgiving but also surprise. Isn’t surprise part and parcel of thanksgiving? Children love surprises, adults love be open to the overwhelming surprise of God’s love in our lives.
A disciple is one who is open to be being surprised. A world so tightly ordered, planned gives no room for God’s intrusion. The protection which we seek in having everything well mapped out can be a roadblock to what the Lord wants us to do. Someone once said: if I want to make God laugh just tell Him my plans.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

When viewing the video on "How to prevent sexual abuse" keep in mind that the Bishops are sharing their experience. What the Bishops are saying is do not make the same mistakes we made.
The video by Carrie Underwood is very uplifting. ENJOY

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops publish 10 points for preventing cle...

Commission investigating Medjugorje apparitions begins work

Carrie Underwood-Jesus, Take the Wheel Lyrics

25th Sunday - Gospel Illustration: Luke 16:1-13


MONDAY OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 8:16-18) Hearing is such an important part of our life with the Lord. So important, so difficult. Hearing is not passive but active. We absorb the Word, it lights up our hearts. The light has to shared, it is not our own possession but belongs to all with whom we come into contact. Hearing breaks through selfishness. Every time we hear we have to give something up. Real listening to the Word can be a painful experience because it penetrates our comfort zone, and makes us uncomfortable. This is the beginning of joy.

TUESDAY OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 8: 19-21 The words sound so harsh, almost a rejection. The apparent is not the real. He is opening up a new family, one based not on blood lines but on faith in Him. He is saying that Mary was His mother before the physical birth, she was His mother when she said “yes.” We through faith and baptism become the “mothers” of the Lord. He is alive within us. He comes into the world by us living that great reality. In this sense we celebrate Christmas everyday simply because everyday the Lord is born in our hearts and in the world.

WEDNESDAY OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 9:1-6) We have been called, we have been sent. Through the gift of faith and Baptism God has called us by name. In calling us He has also sent us into the world. We share in the very ministry of the Lord. There is an identification between the Lord and us. We are asked to do, in our own way and inside the place God has planted us, the work of the Lord. It seems the central point of ministry is that we are wrapped up in the Lord, and that real ministry is nothing more than making the Lord present.

THURSDAY OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 9:7-9) Strange that Herod gives us an example of a part of our relationship with the Lord. Curiosity. He wanted to know more about the man. Who was He? Where did He come from? As Herod asked those questions we can ask deeper questions: how the Lord works in my life? when were the moments of grace when I felt His presence? We all know that the Lord is with us, curiosity is that virtue which makes this reality a force. We are curious over things which interest us, things we find important. Curiosity is a means to deepen our relationship. Without at least a minimum the Lord will remain on the periphery of our conscience.

FRIDAY OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 9:18-22) The question which the Lord poses in the Gospel is the question which all disciples must constantly ask themselves. He comes into our lives in many ways, and each of those will in some way answer the question: who do you say I am? Peter’s answer was based on the experience of the Lord. He saw the needy being taken care, the blind given sight, he saw the signs of the Messiah. Our answer to the question should also be based on the experience which we have had with the Lord. Friend, Lord, savior, brother…all of these will answer the question: who do you say I am.?

SATURDAY OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 9:43-45) The Cross has overshadowed His life. Now the time is approaching when it will be fulfilled. The disciples are enthralled with the crowds, the wonders they do not want to hear about suffering. They do not ask questions because they may not like the answer. The values of the world are so easy. The Lord is warning them that His path is different. It will only end on the throne of the Cross.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Thank God the situation in Florida has been resolved. You will find the Bishops' statement on respect for religions in this issue. We have Kelly Clarkson singing the Ave Maria to t he Holy Father....
The Ten Commandments
A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to "honor thy father and thy mother," she asked,"Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?"

Without missing a beat one little boy answered, "Thou shall not kill."
Bishops Committees Voice Concern for Anti-Muslim Prejudice

Denounce Derision, Misinformation, Bigotry
Intolerance has no place in nation founded on religious freedom
Back ‘Beyond Park 51’ Statement by Interfaith Group

WASHINGTON—Catholic Bishops dealing with interfaith, domestic and international concerns voiced concern for anti-Muslim prejudice surrounding the threat of Koran burnings in Florida.

“All acts of intolerance aimed at a religious community should find no place in our world, let alone in our nation which is founded on the principle of religious freedom,” said
Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Atlanta, Chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs; Bishop William F. Murphy of Rockville Centre, N.Y., chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development; and Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, N.Y., chairman of the Committee on International Justice and Peace.

They issued their remarks September 9 (

In their remarks they also endorsed a September 7 statement titled “Beyond Park 51,” issued in Washington by an interfaith group that included Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Archbishop-emeritus of Washington, and Father James Massa, director of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Ecumenical and interreligious Affairs.

24th Sunday - Gospel Illustration: Luke 15:1-32

kelly clarkson sings Ave Maria for the Pope


MONDAY OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 7: 1-10) Let God be God. That is the simple lesson for today. Everyone else demanded His physical presence, they were putting God into human structures. Only this “pagan” realized that you cannot capture God. We want so much to be in control, even to the extent of telling God how to do His job. Worse, telling Him what He can and cannot do. Look at the way we pray. So often they are controlling, or trying to control. As the soldier instinctively knew, things work out so much better when we let God be God.

TUESDAY OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 7:11-17) Compassion is the one virtue that we are called upon to imitate. To suffer with, to endure with, all with the implication of being united. The Lord in his human nature is united to us, He was united to the widow. His compassion flowed from a sense of solidarity with her. Compassion is not only for the “tough times” it is the presence of God in our lives. Compassion implies this walking together. It is not something that is turned on and off, but is always present. The message of the Kingdom, is that God through the Lord is walking with His people.

WEDNESDAY OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 7: 31-35) Children can be stubborn. It is their way or no way. Stubbornness by its nature is the inability to see other possibilities. More basic it is not being able to give something up, usually an idea or an attitude. Stubbornness is also a way of protecting our self image. To change would be a sign of weakness, we would admit that we were wrong or that there was a better idea. We can be stubborn with God. The difficulty with this is that His stubbornness far exceeds anything we can imagine. The reason being is that His love is so perfect so full that it already is complete.

THURSDAY OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 7:36-50) Generosity to the Lord is something we really do not think of that often. The woman in today’s Gospel displayed a great generosity. All her actions were focused in on the Lord. She was so focused that she did not even ask to have her sins forgiven. One aspect of generosity is use of time. Do I give the Lord a good chunk of my time? It is so easy to forget Him. Our lives do get cluttered. The prayers we had promised to say, those good deeds we wanted so much to do, are remembered late at night when we are tired. To be generous is to have the courage to do the inconvenient, the non-practical. If it is always convenient it is not generous.

FRIDAY OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 8:1-3) The fact that women accompanied Jesus on His preaching journey must have caused people to wonder. It was not strange that women would gather around a rabbi but to travel with him was unheard of. Jesus was not afraid to do the right thing. Women as much as men had a right to share in His ministry. It was by doing things such as this that the Lord raised women to a new level. In showing the respect that was their due, He broke down the barriers of prejudice and the walls of marginalization. The family of God which He was going to bring into existence would not stand for inequality.

SATURDAY OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 8:4-15) Two things come out of this passage. The one is the absolute generosity of God. He does not say: this is the good soil. He just merrily keeps throwing the seeds up in the air and letting them fall where they may. He is not afraid of rejection. This is the meaning of love. The other is the power of the seed. We look at our hearts and put them into the various categories. However, it must be remembered that the Word has a power to make the hard soft, to make roses out of the thorns. The Word touches and transforms. The Word will make its own.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The centerpiece of course is scripture. The video on the 23rd Sunday of the year is excellent. Then, just for a change, I put some rap music on. I did this for the purpose of showing that the Gospel is universal...enjoy

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Run On - Blind Boys of Alabama

Beyonce Jay z T pain Lil wayne....Jesus Loves You "Gospel Rap Music Video"

23rd Sunday - Gospel: Luke 14:25-33


MONDAY OF THE TWENTY-THIRD WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 6:6-11)Never stand in the way of letting someone do something good. This means that we must be open to receiving what people would like to do for us. It is very difficult, much more difficult than giving. There may be something in their heart which will find at least a little healing by doing something for someone. The favor which we consider small may take a weight off their hearts. Even when the motivations may not be the highest we have an obligation to let people do the good they can do.

TUESDAY OF THE TWENTY-THIRD WEEK OF THE YEAR(Luke 6:12-19) We can be tugged and pulled in some many different directions. The demands of the day can be suffocating. The noise of life is unending. A time set apart is necessary if we are not to lose the inner person. A time focused on God in whom we are reminded of who we are. A space set aside where we meet the Lord in a very personal way. The space in which we truly find that He is our friend. The mountain, so close to God, the mountain which we must climb and in climbing see things through the prism of God.

WEDNESDAY OF THE TWENTY-THIRD WEEK OF THE YEAR(Luke 6:20-26) To search for and to acknowledge our poverty is what the Lord is asking. How counter culture this is. Everything is geared for wealth. Those who have it want more, those who do not have it would like to have it. It seems that wealth is the primary motivator. What does this search for poverty mean?
The center is God. Complete dependence on God and an awareness that everything we have is gift. The simple acknowledgment that the only thing we can claim for our own is our sins. He stands there telling us that in being poor we come to know how rich we are. In becoming poor we are in solidarity with the millions of people throughout the world who are materially poor. In acknowledging this poverty we stand with open hands before God and our fellow people ready both to give and to receive.

THURSDAY OF THE TWENTY-THIRD WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 6:27-38) We are not called to be passive in the face of evil, but active. When we look at this, perhaps the most difficult of all passages in the Scripture, we keep coming up with the word “love” Love is the secret that frees us from the ordinary way of acting. To love someone when everything they do says: do not love me.To love when we are faced with non-love, to let this love conquer the evil which is the absence of love. Forgiveness, compassion are more than slogans, they are the way of life of the follower of the Lord. They have no boundries.

FRIDAY OF THE TWENTY-THIRD WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 6:39-42) Riches can blind us. They enter the heart and close eyes to the world outside. Riches become the possessor rather than the possessed. It is seeing that riches are meant to be shared. It is in accepting the fact that the things of this world are meant for all and not for just the privileged few that eyes are open. In the world today there are many people who have been blinded by riches and unfortunately they lead the rest in the same darkness. It is for those whose eyes have been opened by faith to lead others into the sunshine of freedom.

SATURDAY OF THE TWENTY-THIRD WEEK OF THE YEAR (Luke 6:43-49) There are at any time many conversations going on within us. Which one are we going to listen to is the question. Often times we do listen to the wrong voice. A voice which leads us in wrong ways. It is important for us to ferret out of all the voices which are clanging in our hearts the One Voice. We most listen very carefully, we must spend time in silence if we are to hear this voice. The other voices are loud, easily understood,